Friday, June 13, 2008

I have arrived in NYC

After my very first Amtrak experience, I am finally in New York City for my summer adventure. The train ride was pretty cool. I had breakfast and lunch in the dining car and met some really interesting people. It's a very social atmosphere on a long-distance train trip, much different from a plane ride or a commuter train. My seat mate was a student from Russia who lives in NYC, and he was fun to chat with. I slept a good bit too. I had taken some Dramamine so I could read and use my laptop without getting motion sickness...but mostly it just made me very drowsy (as Dramamine does.)

I got into Penn Station around 8:00 last night, and my cousin met me. We schlepped my luggage on the subway to her apartment on 3rd Ave. Then, we went for a yummy Mexican dinner and margaritas. After that, I was ready to crash.

Today, I started unpacking my clothes, and I went grocery shopping. Now, I am sitting in my cousin's apartment waiting for a UPS package. (Exciting way to start my time in the Big Apple huh?) As I was walking back from my grocery shopping, I passed a little deli near the apartment. The front door was open, and there was a little kitty sitting in the doorway, watching people walk by. He/She (I didn't stop to check) was so adorable, and it made me miss my cat Harley something fierce. Wish I could have brought him with me. And yes...I am going to miss my husband very much as well, but at least he and I can talk on the phone or email. Aside from the obvious fact that Harley cannot use a cell phone or computer, he would probably only take the time to chat with me when it suited him. Cats!


JoAnne said...

Glad you arrived safely in NY! You'll have to send a pic of those crocs...they DO sound cute :)

Karen McLaughlin said...

Glad to hear you got there safely. You are about to embark on an adventure that you have always dreamed of since you were a little girl (and used to come over to Aunt Karen's!!) I am very out of the loop....but if they still say, "Break a leg" then "Break a leg!!" :-)