Monday, March 8, 2010

Less Than Two Weeks Away...


My cabaret is opening in less than two weeks! I'm kind of freaking out about this. I'm not so much freaking out about the performance part. I have the usual bit of nervousness, but for the most part I feel good about the show itself. I have been working really hard on this project for about a year...the script, the music. My performance will come together just fine.

I'm freaking out about the business part of it. I have never self-produced a show in my entire life! There's a LOT that goes into it. I knew that going in but had no idea how much it would stress me out. Granted, I am not doing it alone. My friend Lora is co-producing, as we are both performing our sets each night as a cabaret sampler. She has done this before, many times, Thank God! Her expertise has been invaluable, and I am truly learning every step of the way.

Still, I am freaking out a little bit. Will enough people actually come to see this thing?! We pretty much have to fill Kennedy's every night to make back our investment. And it's not just about breaking even. I WANT people to see my show! I keep having nightmares about walking onstage to an empty house!

Okay, deep breath. Hopefully, it will all turn out okay.

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