Monday, January 3, 2011

Goals for 2011

It seems like "resolutions" has become such a dirty word. With each new year, lots of us make them but few of us keep them. So, instead of resolutions, I am simply setting some goals for 2011. Here they are:

- Audition, network, Tweet more regularly, get out there, talk myself up (in a non-obnoxious way) other words, stop being afraid to "pimp" myself.

- Perform my cabaret, SOLE MATES, in NYC.

- See more theatre.

- Expand my cooking repertoire.

- Run a 10K.

- Get my professional website up and running.

- Refine and edit my wardrobe, so that whether it's an audition, night out, church or just running errands, I'm not tearing my hair out over what to wear.

- Keep up with this blog.

That's about it for now. We'll see how it all goes in the coming year!

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